The Reading Agenda

Last week during the Staff Training Days we introduced to teachers the Reading Agenda and the RWC (M) as mentioned frequently in the new Ofsted inspections. RWC(M) = Reading, Writing, Communication and Maths.


As part of this I had a slot to show:


  • how important the role of tutor/teacher is – with them reading during SSR sessions (Sustained Silent Reading or DEAR) rather than marking, doing admin tasks, their students are likely to perform 10-20% in reading tests.


  • What the MRC is doing this academic year to support and promote Reading for Pleasure


  • Some of the MRC services that are available to staff to support ‘Literacy Across the Curriculum’ as Ofsted Inspectors are asking individual subject teachers “What are you doing to support Reading for PLeasure in your subject?”



Bookmarking Next Academic Year

It’s normal for this time of year to be forward planning for next academic year.


With Literacy and the Reading for Pleasure agenda – finally coming into focus in schools I was asked to create booklists for year 7 & 8.

Booklists? I thought. Aren’t they a bit ‘dry’ and, well boring?



So instead I have started to create a series of Genre Bookmarks – something I have done before at a previous school, but the book world moves on and so I have started from scratch to include some modern titles alongside the classics.



Genres covered so far:-


Adventure; Animals; Crime; Dystopia; Families; Fantasy; Friends; Funny; Ghost; Historical; Horror; Myths; Other lands; Romance; Sad; School; Sci-fi; Sport; and War/Conflict.




I have a few more ideas for other bookmarks – but if you have an idea or want a bookmark creating on your favourite type of stories – then please do let me know!


DEAR: 7 Steps to Success CPD workshop

As part of the TDAc CPD staff training programme I offered a follow-up workshop to the initial 7 Steps to Success training session delivered at the start of term.

I worked with a member from both the Technology and Humanities colleges to put together the hour session.

We planned to recap each of the 7 Steps, then discuss how teachers had implemented these ideas, sharing good ideas with the group. We finished off with a closer look at how to use PhotoStory to make a review or book trailer and make these things more interactive, thereby engaging more students.

In reality turn out was lower than expected and we tailored the session to meet the individual needs of those there. This meant we spent longer on introducing the 7 steps rather than how these had been used within colleges.

Not exactly what we had planned but one attendee said…

“I would like to say how much I enjoyed your session yesterday; apart from two separate half-sessions, this is the only one that I have attended whereby I felt connected to the subject matter.   Thank you.”

So overall it was a success – and we will be repeating the session again in April.

Year 6 Induction Days -Summer Reading Scheme

As part of the Year 6 induction days here today and tomorrow at TDA the MRC is involved in several events.

The MRC has teamed up with Peterborough City Libraries to take advantage of the National Summer Reading Scheme.

During the i-connect session Year 6 students will attend a rolling programme to introduce them to the Summer Reading Challenge which will help to stop the Summer Holidays Reading dip; raise self-esteem and increase confidence and enjoyment in reading.

The challenge is to read 6 library books and there are lots of rewards and incentives to keep going. Plus a huge celebration for those who successfully read 6 books. We will be following our students and providing further recognition in the Autumn Term.

Later during the induction day there will be a separate session for parents to encourage maximum participation, to allow for a positive start in September for their child.