

Congratulations to both Sadif and Sema who both won the lucky dip prize as part of the Reading Survey and IL Year 7 Survey last term. They both win a signed book – one by Malcolm Rose and one by Terry Caffrey.

Measuring Attitudes to Reading

This year with greater emphasis being placed upon Literacy and Reading for Pleasure (at last) the MRC is currently measuring the Year 7’s Attititude to Reading (ATR) and giving them a score – 1 Outstanding; 2 Good; 3 Satisfactory or 4 Unsatisfactory.

I have sent each our of 350 year 7 students a quick email link to my online survey and during their first IL lesson with me I help them logon; open their emails and complete the survey, it is a bit of a steep learning curve for some of them! But I’m about halfway through and the results are interesting so  far – with many more regarding themselves as a good reader who enjoys reading, rather than “I hate reading”. Still it’s good to know so we can target our services and give targetted support to those who need it.

Well that’s the big challenge for the MRC this academic year!